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Events For Kids

Five kids at an event


Online Fun

Kid doing homework at computer with headphones
With Miss Humblebee's Academy, get lessons for a variety of subjects and downloadable and printable resources for off-line learning. Available 24/7 with your MYLink card.

Two young kids gathered around mom reading along
Sign in with your MYLink card number to access online picture books with audio narration, read-alongs, chapter books, graphic novels, videos, puzzles, games and quizzes!

Two middle grade kids at a computer together
Learn to code while playing adventure-filled games. Programming languages include Python, JavaScript and more. Log in with your library card and PIN each time you play.

Images of two kids learning coding
Includes the Sesame Street catalog and animated versions of popular storybooks. Check out up to 10 films per month. Log in with your library card and PIN.

Top Picks

For Parents & Educators

Did you know the library has free programs, events and services for kids and families to enjoy? Register your kids now for a fun learning program, get help for their homework, or attend a virtual or in-person story time just for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Get access to homeschool resources and so much more with your MYLink card.



HPL Staff demo of Tiny Techs workshop
Make Learning Fun
Literacy FLIP Kits
Take home activities complete with a book and craft supplies. In partnership with the Parent Resource Library at the Children's Museum of Houston.

Learn More   

Tiny Techs Workshops
Learn how to use the latest technology at a free workshop. Sign up online or with a staff member to begin.

Learn More   





Picture of a yellow mini school bus
Join us for engaging activities designed to spark curiosity and enhance learning for students of all ages. We offer guided tours, instruction, and various activities tailored for class field trips and other visiting groups. Dive into our collection and discover the many ways to connect and learn.
Available on Mondays from 9:30 AM to 12 PM during the school year.




Mom and child reading
Family Place Libraries
At Blue Ridge, Stanaker, McGovern Stella Link, Central, Young, Park Place and Collier, family place library includes a large youth collection, a children’s nook, a parent learning center, toys for children, daily activities for children and a living room style lobby.

Attend workshops to help model effective practices with families and caregivers to become equipped with the tools to develop their child’s social, emotional, and cognitive skills before they enter kindergarten.


Learning Resources

LearningLink Logo
Use HPL resources at home for students at participating school districts. There is not a physical card associated with these accounts, just log in with your student ID.

Dad helping kid with activities
Get help with homework from anywhere with HPL databases and recommended websites. Trusted resources you can use with or without a MYLink card.

National Geographic Kids
Enjoy a kid-friendly version of the iconic magazine with issues from 2009 to present. It also contains hundreds of National Geographic Kids books, videos, and images.

Kid girl learning online
Get live online homework help for kindergarten through the early college years, plus skills building, writing assistance, a language lab, tutorial videos, and more.

Download & Stream

Kids watching Kanopy
Sign in with your library card number and choose "Kids" to start watching animated shows, story times, read-along storybooks, and much more. Works in your browser or the Kanopy app.

eBooks and eAudiobooks collection
Sign in with your library card number to start borrowing now. Check out up to 15 items at one time and keep for 14 days. Find themed titles for holidays and celebrations!

Listen to Freegal
Jam out to tracks from your favorite movies with hoopla. Create an account with your MYLink card to borrow up to 15 items per month. Keep music for 7 days.

Comic book superhero
Read comics in your browser or in the Library Pass Comics Plus app. Just sign in with your library card number and choose a category. Titles can be filtered by age and language.




Subjects: Education, Homework Help K-8th
Tags: children, homework, kids